The 100 days of the mandate of the President of the Argentine Nation, Javier Milei, elected in December 2023, have already been completed and the resounding changes he has made were not so well received by half of the population.
A few days before his inauguration, he presented a bill called the "Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines" or also called the "Omnibus Law." On the official website of the Casa Rosada it is presented as: "In the spirit of restoring the economic and social order based on the liberal doctrine embodied in the National Constitution of 1853, we present the bill to the Honorable Congress of the Nation and express our firm will to undertake, immediately, and with appropriate instruments, the fight against the adverse factors that threaten the freedom of Argentines; which impede the proper functioning of the market economy and are the cause of the impoverishment of the nation." He then continues: "We promote these reforms in the name of the Revolution of May 1810 and in defense of the life, liberty and property of Argentines."

Within this project is the "Chainsaw Plan" that he devised together with his work team and that he promoted since before he took office as President during his campaign. It is so called because it is characterized by making "cuts" in public spending. The bill had articles that modify or repeal relevant issues such as culture, economy, education and security. Also, other relevant points have been limiting the right to protest; privatizing state-owned enterprises; more powers for the security forces; no more subsidies for transport and cuts to the co-participation of the provinces.
These changes have been very revolutionary for some and on January 24 the opposition marked its firm decision to oppose the cuts in public spending in various areas, holding protests in different cities. Unions continue to mark their resistance to Milei's proposed reforms, demonstrating in squares, on television or picketing motorways. As the opposition is the majority in Congress, first the bill was rejected, then it was partially approved and so far, it is still in negotiations.
In the face of resistance, the President said: "Our government program was voted for by 56% of Argentines and we are not willing to negotiate it with those who destroyed the country. There are sectors of politics that are reluctant to make the changes that the country needs. They are going to have to explain to society why" after the Deputies decide to return the Omnibus Law to committees.

Argentina lived for twelve years under the Kirchner regime, so it is not obvious that there are so many opponents within Argentine society. But, at the same time, having governed for so many years, over time, the number of people against the government has been increasing to the point of winning the presidential elections in a runoff. It is true that many people have regretted voting for the President because of the "crazy" ideals he possesses and because of various measures carried out that have not been well received by citizens, such as cuts in public spending. However, he is the Argentine President and has three more years assured, until the end of the four years of presidency as established by the Argentine National Constitution.
The comments on social media are many and varied. From "I'm afraid that this person will govern the country" to "bring me the ballot box because I'll vote for him again" or "he's the only president who is fulfilling everything he said he was going to do in the campaign." Also, there are very varied discussions that are generated on the different platforms, some mild and others very verbally violent. The opposition complains that Milei's slogan is "freedom" but they claim that freedom is only for the right wing since the left "cannot express itself freely".

In an interview, Javier Corrales, Professor of Political Science at Amherst College in Massachusetts said: "If he maintains this attitude of political steamroller, I do believe that in Argentina there will be a lot of resistance and at least a panorama of political turbulence." On the other hand, "The Economist", the famous British media, congratulated the President's actions: "after 100 days, Milei can boast of a real economic success". However, it clarifies that: "the costs are brutal."

It is true that Argentina is going through an acute economic and social crisis with 40% poverty and one of the highest inflation rates in the Americas. It is also true that there is a mixture of emotions and sensations among the Argentine population, many are happy with the change and sure that better times will come. On the other hand, many are anxious and uncertain about what will come, whether Argentina's future will be positive or negative. The truth is that we are going through the decision that Argentine society made months ago and every government needs time to discover how it should work.
Written by Marina Chauffaille